Friday, June 19, 2009

Great expectations

I am writing to you from Old Tafo at an incredibly slooow internet cafe. I am now in the homestay part of training. I met them yesterday after I found out my site assignment. For the next two years, I will be living in Kwesimintim, a suburb of Takoradi. I will be doing microfinance with an NGO..... just got proposed to by 4 guys in the internet cafe.... ok, so yea. So Takoradi is on the beach, in the western region. The language spoken there is Fante, so that is what i am learning. I will have running water, 24 hour electricity, and a flush toilet! i am really lucky. I was pretty upset when i found out becuase i reallly didnt want to be in a city. buttt, well give it a go. i have to leave now my host mothers waiting for me. love you and miss you!!!


  1. Chris, I am so glad to hear from you. It sounds like you will be in a beautiful area. Please send me the address for how to access this site. I can only get in from My Favorites so I can only use this computer. Em can't get on. I am sending you mail but I don't know what you may like from home. Try to email me the info. Love you and I'm trusting you into the Lord's hands. Mom

  2. well i'm glad you don't have to crap in a bucket :)
