Sunday, January 31, 2010


It's a new year, I'm another year older, and I've never been so excited to begin a year. Things just feel right, they feel great, actually. Even though I'm living a crazy, unusual life in a place far away from home, I know that I'm where I want to be. I'm following my dreams, and accepting the stark realities that are the consequences of following dreams. I love myself, my family, and so many people around me. I've become more accepting of my own shortfalls, as well as the shortfalls of others. I am happy in knowing that I'm living this life with no regrets, and giving all I can to the people I've been sent to serve. Idealism only works with some good old fashioned realism, and I've come to terms with that fact. While I may not be able to save the world, I can do something, which means more to me than giving up and doing nothing. I've been told that I go through phases, and I can only laugh and agree. But if this is a phase, it took me a long time to get here, and I hope I can stay for awhile. It's a good one. :)

On that note, I've had a great time in Jersey. My two weeks at home was a unique experience; I noticed that not too much has changed in the last seven months, but that I have changed alot. It's a hard thing to put into words, but I guess it is, in essence, an appreciation for life that I didn't have before, and a different view of the world . I am so grateful that I was able to be with my family when we said our final goodbyes to my PopPop. He was a great man, and it was obvious that he lived his life in a way that endeared him to people. I got to meet my newest nephew, spend time with my other two nephews, hang out with my sisters, spend time with my parents, and meet and visit with other family. I also got to see almost all of my amazing friends, and reconnect with some that I haven't heard from in a while.

I'm flying back to Africa today, and will find out my fate, so to speak. But whatever, it's all good. Gotta believe it.
Love ya.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

'I'm back in the USofA'

Gosh it's strange to be home. Following the sad news of my beloved and only Pop-pop's passing, I boarded a car to begin my 2 day trip home. After a brief breakdown at Kotoka airport in Accra(note: it is VERY unacceptable to cry in public in Ghana, and me having a meltdown at the British Airways counter got me a lot of stares, and a lot of sympathy), I somehow was able to get on a flight that day and ended up in London 8 hours later at Heathrow Int'l Airport. I got off the plane and saw my breath for the first time in 6 months, and realized that in my leggings, flip-flops, and cotton shirt, I was wayy underdressed. I also realized I wasn't in Africa anymore, there were white people EVERYWHERE! They weren't surprised to see me, but I was surprised to see them. I was once again a majority, however, I didn't quite fit in- with my African print shirt... Heathrow was fun, I stayed there for 4 hours, bought a Starbucks with the seven US dollars I had saved from Philly, and chatted with a nice girl who was on my plane from Ghana. My next flight was due to leave from Heathrow and land in Philadelphia 8 hours later. I didn't check any bags, so I had everything in my carry-ons. Thanks to the incident with the Detroit terrorist attempt, the security to enter the US right now is intense! Before they let us through the gate to get on the plane, they did a full search of our carry-ons, and I am now in need of tweezers. They confiscated the three I had in my make-up bag. And questioned me for having three pairs of tweezers. Brits are silly.
I arrived in Philly in the afternoon, and smiled as I handed my passport to the customs officer. Nothin like Philly hospitality,
Officer: "What was yous doin in Ghana fur 6 months?"
Me: "I'm in the Peace Corps."
Officer: "Yea, doin what?"
Me: "I'm a Peace Corps Volunteer, doing Business Development."
Officer: "Yea, 6 months thats a long time"
Me: "Yep..."

Oh, philly. :)

So, I got to eat mac n' cheese, take a hot shower, drink Dr. Pepper, drive, go to Wawa, drink coffee and not sweat, wear a jacket, drink milk, eat a cookie, watch a Christmas movie, have internet that's fast, see my family, say goodbye to my pop-pop, and soon I get to see my friends and eat a cheesesteak. But, the reason for this post, I was FINALLY able to post ALL my pictures online. Check them out:

I'm home for another week and then it's back to Ghana. Can't wait!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's a New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Afihyia Paaaaa-oooo!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it's a couple weeks late, I've been away from the computer for a while. Hope your holiday was fun-filled and merry. Mine was, but in a bittersweet way. I was thinking on Christmas day, that this was a Christmas of firsts. The first Christmas I spent away from home, the first Christmas I spent away from family and friends, the first christmas I didn't bake cookies (or eat, for that matter), the first Christmas I didn't open any gifts, or buy any gifts, the first Christmas I went to the beach... and probably many more that I can't think of. But regardless of all that, I relaxed with close friends and had a nice day. New Years was also fun, about 20 volunteers gathered at a beach resort and we had a bonfire on the beach and lots of dancing. Good friends, good times, and good wine. I love living on the beach. :)

Apparently it is possible to catch a cold in 90+ degree weather, and not just any cold, the kind that knocks you off your feet for a whole week. Being sick here is always worse than being sick at home.

The Africa Cup of Nations started last night, and Ghana is in an excited state. Especially following the news that Togo, after being attacked with gunshots, will not be playing. Togo was to be Ghana's first match. I'm reeally trying hard to like football, since it's the only sport that matters here.

My puppy is no longer a puppy, she's a woman! Nala is in heat. It's not as gross as you'd think, but it's difficult. I took her out for a walk last night to the store to buy some rice, and halfway there I was picking up stones to throw at the pack of dogs trying to get to her. No more walks, I've decided.

That's all for now,
Love you and Miss you!

PS- CONGRATS to Linda!!!!! :)