Monday, August 31, 2009

been battiling a cold the last few days. feeling kinda better today. i am working on making the best of my job. i called my apcd today to ask him about it, but he never got back to me. i made a new friend tho, so thats cool. i love to look at pictures and remember my life before i came to ghana, it's funny, and bittersweet. i miss you guys, especially when i'm sick and not feeling well. my peace corps friends here tho are amazing. i wouldn't be here without them. still battling some internal issues of purpose, but that should be worked out once i can talk to my apcd. (that means associate peace corps director, my REAL boss.) i didn't go to work today, cuz i am sick. got some new dvd's- including forrest gump and a tom hanks collection, a pixar collection, and a sylvester stallone collection. so on saturday i laid on the couch coughing and sniffling and watching a rocky marathon. nothing can lift my spirits when im sick like rocky...

i posted my new phone number and mailing address for all those interested. the takoradi address is only for letters tho, please send packages to the accra address. it has to do with postage... i dont know.

i miss you guys, hope you are all doing well. love you.

Friday, August 28, 2009


My newest least favorite word in the world: Obruni. Although when screamed by a young child, comes out like, OBROOOONI. It is like nails on a chalkboard. Sometimes, when Im in a good mood, ill turn around and wave, or even smile, but sometimes, I just want to turn around and smack that person so hard that they fly across the street. :) But in better news, Nala is becoming much better, and shes soo cute. I'll try next time to put up some pictures. My house is almost finished, just need to buy a few more things. I've made some friends, so life is ok most of the time. It's just overwhelming, and I get tired in like 6 hours of being out of my house. I guess this is as close as i'll get to feeling how a celebrity feels, but it sucks. I can't go anywhere or do anything without being stared at, screamed at, grabbed, and sometimes chased. But in the same vein, I get extra help when I need it

Friday, August 21, 2009

no longer PCT, im a PCV now!

yup, thats right. got sworn in aug 14th in a not-very-exciting ceremony. i'm the real deal now, i travel alone, live alone, and have a job. life's good. i'm in takoradi now and for the next two years. big news, i got a puppy!!!!! her name is nala, and shes the most adorable puppy in the whole wide world and the love of my life. she was free from one of my neighbors in maase. i picked her out of 5, becuase she was so cuddly when i'd go to visit. shes super tiny, and fits in my two hands put together. shes tan and white, and i don't know how big she will get but most dogs in ghana are on the small side. she keeps me company.

i'm doing fantasy football to get my eagles fix. o yea, what is this i hear about the birds taking vick??!?! please tell me i've been misinformed. anyway, keep me up to date with the season, cuz i don't think ill be able to find a place to watch it.

k ppl keep askin me wat i need. i'm pretty hooked up with my housing so i don't really need things, but i want them. these include....

-shampoo (insanely expensive here)
-gossip magazines, or any magazine really
-travel packs of snacks. i.e., candy, juice mixes, easy mac,
-big item here: Burberry london perfume. mine ran out as soon as i got here and i just always seem to smell
thats all i can think of for now. love you all and miss you.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Almost done

So this past week has been the end of my pre-service training. On Thursday I took my Language Proficiency Test for the Ghanaian language Fante. I was really nervous that I didn't do well, but I found out yesterday that I passed! I scored Intermediate-Mid, which is the requirement for us to pass. I also have to take my technical evaluation today. this is just a test on everything that we've been learning for my sector- Small Enterprise Development. We have our draft for fantasy football tomorrow, and then Monday is our SED party. Thursday is swearing in and celebration! I bought some really gorgeous jewelry from the local bead market, and some nice white sandals. My host mother bought me fabric to be made into a dress for swearing in. I went to the seamstress last night and picked out my pattern. I think its gonna look really good! It's gonna be really hard to leave all my friends, but we're already planning our IST, Birthday parties, thanksgiving, christmas, and New Years Parties. (I'm hosting new years!!!!) Hope everything is goin alright at home. Once football starts you gotta keep me updated. Ok, love you. bye.